
‘Procurement can be driver for growth and resilience’, NFU tells catering heads

Bethan Cowell speaking at the Public Sector Catering Alliance forum

Photograph: NFU senior policy specialist for food service and procurement Bethan Cowell. Credit: Public Sector Catering Alliance

»Ê¼Ò»ªÈËrecently spoke at the Public Sector Catering Alliance inaugural forum on ‘Farming through change: building a secure, resilient food system in Britain’.

The forum draws together leading voices throughout public sector catering to discuss priority topics for the market which includes healthcare, education, care, defence and justice.

NFU senior policy specialist for food service and procurement Bethan Cowell presented at the open session, utilising the opportunity to summarise the current policy and commercial landscape for British farmers. The discussion also focussed on how government and the supply chain can support domestic production through policy, collaboration and sourcing.

Turning manifesto commitment into policy

The presentation also outlined the need for the UK to address food security and supply chain resilience.

Bethan explained why it was critical to discuss the need to improve farmer confidence through greater collaboration within the supply chain and the market coming together to deliver shared messaging to the government.

This messaging is critical, especially as the NFU is wanting to understand how the new government will transition the manifesto commitment of 50% of food within public sector procurement to be sourced from local, sustainable sources, into policy.

British food should underpin public sector food

»Ê¼Ò»ªÈËhas been a long-standing voice within public sector procurement on the need for sourcing policy to be a mechanism for government to invest in its own agri-food supply chain, and that procurement can be driver for growth and resilience.

British food should underpin public sector food.

Overall, the forum was another key opportunity to build relationships within public sector catering – a sector that the NFU has been building closer, more meaningful relationships with over the past five years.

Our thanks to the organisers of the event for their continued support in welcoming farmers and growers to public sector catering events.

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